Mobile Backup: The SpareOne Phone

Communication is the primary force behind all movements of our modern life. Whether it’s to call your grandmother and wish her a happy birthday, or to confirm coordinates for a bombing run, communication is at the forefront of every development of our history.

I would venture to say that 99 percent of people in a first world country, especially ours (the United States) has a cellphone in their pocket. The ease of communication that has developed from the exponential growth of the cellphone industry has left us with a blanket of security that we take for granted. I know when I walk out of the house without my phone, I have to make a calculated decision on whether it’s worth my time to go back and retrieve it or continue on if I get far enough away; I have a brief moment of panic. What if? What if something happened? As a side note, let it be known though, that it is REALLY hard to miss not having a phablet in your pocket.

And with a career in logistics, it’s evident to me how critical and yet how transparent communication is. It’s not something that can just be done without anymore. Because of this, people like to do these “technology detox” runs, where they rid themselves of electronics and all things based on non-traditional communication methods and get out into the wild. Totally free from radio waves and batteries, they are able to reset themselves with nature… up until they fall and break their arm and are forced to cut it off with a penknife and use a belt as a tourniquet. Who does that?

I remember reading Into the Wild in high school and thought, “Wow, how short sighted for not having a contingency plan.” Then I got in to the military, where you have contingencies for contingencies, and thought once again about reading Into the Wild in high school and realized, I was right.

So, what happens when you’re out on your nature run digital detox? Or just out hiking, or even just going about your daily life? Take your phone with you of course! You can always turn it off, and if you did not plan a contingency plan for your phone dying… well, now what?

These are a lot of hypothetical questions, with an unlimited number of answers. You can try to plan for every possible scenario, and that is a good thing, but ultimately the best solution to the problem is to simply carry a spare. This is where the SpareOne phone comes into its own.

The SpareOne phone is exactly that, a spare phone. It’s a compact, rugged spare phone that runs off of a single replaceable AA battery. It operates on all GSM carrier bands (AT&T, T-Mobile) and can operate with, or without, the use of the SIM card stored in your phone. For use without the SIM card, you are limited to 911 emergency calls, and with the card, it acts as a normal phone. Sure, it doesn’t have Angry Birds on it, but it might save your life.Not only is it capable of normal and emergency usage, but it also has a built in LED flashlight that can flash in SOS Morse code, a panic siren to aid location and an audible caller ID for missed calls. With all that, it’s a pretty powerful tool to carry with you for an emergency scenario, especially at $59.99.

I’ve had mine for about 5 years now and have taken it with me in every outing that I have been a part of. I have never had to use it (fingers crossed) but it’s a blanket of security to keep with you that rivals no other. The U.S. is blanketed with GSM towers, even in the most remote of places, a simple hike to the highest vantage point will probably get you a signal. That’s something I can appreciate, and the SpareOne is something I’ll always have with me.

Grab yours at

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