TREAD Lightly! TREAD Trailers Film Fest: Overland News

Send in your video submissions by 3/29/2023 at 11:59pm for a chance to be featured!

Everybody loves a drive in movie, right? And we all love watching videos of cool people in the overlanding and off-roading worlds, too! During next month’s upcoming 2023 Easter Jeep Safari, TREAD Lightly! is launching their RIDE ON Movie! series, featuring short films by y’all! The TREAD Trailers Ride On Film Fest is, “A chance for us to connect with all our members, partners, agencies, and offroad enthusiasts just like you,” shares the crew at TREAD Lightly.

If you’re a filmmaker, youtuber, or even just like to take selfies out on the trail, this is your opportunity to see yourself on the big screen! While the deadline for submissions is just in a few short days, there’s still time to send in your videos!

You don’t have to be attending Easter Jeep Safari to submit a video. If you’re planning to head out to Moab next month, make sure you add the TREAD Trailers RIDE ON Film Fest to your schedule! At the event on April 5, they’ll be launching vehicle giveaways and previewing the new Don’t Be That Guy PSA Campaign. Plus, they’ll be screening your TREAD Trailers films and Mojave Road, a short documentary by OnX Offroad, and a 45th Anniversary Special Screening of Smokey and The Bandit!

Rules and Regs for TREAD Trailers Submissions

  • Must relate to The T.R.E.A.D. Principles and only depict responsible recreation
  • Under 5 mins
  • No offensive or disparaging content
  • HD broadcast quality universal format such at MP4
  • Must have permission for content included, such as music


  • Tread Lightly! memberships
  • Entries to TL! 2023 vehicle giveaways
  • DMOS Stealth Shovel
  • TL! Hoodies, socks and Tshirts
  • Bragging rights!
  • OnX Offroad swag

For the full rules list, check out

A black poster showing the yellow TREAD Trailers logo, Mojave Road Less Traveled, and Smokey and the Bandit advertisements.

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