Let’s Talk Meat

Practically everyone can relate to the childhood memory of their parents firing up the ol’ Weber kettle grill with maybe a bit too much lighter fluid, and the classic sound of a steak hitting the hot grates for the first time and sizzling. The smell of Kingsford and cow is an unforgettable trip down nostalgia lane that will inject your brain with memories of summers past.TREAD WIN LANDLet us bring that experience on the trail: cooking directly on the coals of your camp fire. Cooking directly on the coals is arguably the best method for cooking steak, and unfortunately this method is looked upon with fear. Never fear, the precious porterhouses do not spontaneously burst into flames, despite the heat being in the 800-1,000 degree range. The seared on char will always be robust and earthy, without being ashy or excessive. In fact, this method all but eliminates the devastating grease fire flare up that has claimed so many precious steaks.

So how do you do it? Whip that steak out of your cooler or fridge and go to town on it with your dry rub of salt, black pepper and your voice of spices/herbs. Let it come up to room temperature (~70 degrees F). If you don’t have a Thermapen with you to check this temperature range, 70 degrees feels cool against body temperature, but not cold.

Once your steaks are ready to go, give those glimmering coals a stiff blow to make sure any excess ash is removed and then the moment of truth—lay the steaks down on your bed of coals and experience the royal gasp in horror of all those around you.

For thinner 3/4-inch steaks, cooking three to five minutes gives you a perfect char and a bloody-rare impeccable cook. For thick cuts, 3-4 inches thick stick with 8 to 10 minutes per side for rare.

Because there are no other proper temperatures to cook steaks to, go out to your local butcher and buy a 4-inch-thick ribeye and give this method a go so you can impress all your camp fire buddies.