Free Park Day Saturday 4/22: Overland News

National Park Week Festivities Begin with a Free Park Day on 4/22!

Remember way back at the beginning of 2023 when we talked about FIVE days this year when the National Park Service would waive all admission fees? Here’s another one!  Get excited, because on Saturday 4/22 is a Free Park Day for all National Parks! The parks will all have NO entrance fees all day long! It’s the beginning of National Park Week, so the NPS has amazing things planned for us all week long. So find your nearest national park and get your butts out there!

Note: The entrance fee waiver for fee-free days does not cover other fees for activities like camping, boat launches, transportation, or special tours. It just covers your entrance to the park! But if you ask us, that’s a good enough excuse.

Not to toot our own horn or anything, but if you need some inspiration, we’ve been publishing a lot of cool National Parks content this year. No matter what region of the country you’re in, we promise there’s a park for you! Check out some of our recent features below:

Overlanding the Grand Canyon with OnX Offroad

Badlands National Park


Wind Cave National Park: Above and Below

Park Access All Year

NPS Photo

Yes, the Free Park Days are awesome. But really, entrance fees to all national parks – if they even have one, that is – aren’t the craziest expense in the world. They’re usually pretty cheap, actually! Plus, every penny of your entrance fee stays with the NPS, and 80% stays with the park itself.

Of the parks with fees, it’s usually between about $5 and $35 to get in. If you’re planning on multiple trips or multiple parks, the America the Beautiful Pass is totally worth the $80. With the annual pass, you get unlimited entrance to the more than 2,000 federal recreation areas! That includes all of the national parks that normally charge an entrance fee.

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