Triple-locked Classic 80 Series Land Cruiser in the Black Hills

There’s only one thing to do when you get the off-road exploration itch. Wes grew up in small town northeast Nebraska where the only off-road […]

The Ultimate Overlanding 2021 Lexus GX460 Build

Lexus GX460 built to pursue off-grid adventure Isn’t this one good-looking rig? Thanks to the hard work of owner J-Matt Garcia of Las Vegas, Nevada, […]

Explore Tread Editor Kelly's Lexus GX460

Choose Your Own Adventure by Selecting the Right Suspension for Your Needs Like many, I didn’t know where to start when choosing an upgraded suspension […]

Rule Britannia: The Evolution of the Land Rover Defender

A handful of car and truck models have survived through the decades: the Volkswagen Beetle, Ford F-150, and Chevrolet Corvette immediately come to mind. However, […]

Ready 4 All: A Veteran's 4Runner

Southern Oregon is home to some of the most incredible national forests in the Pacific Northwest, and the southwest corner of the state has its […]

To the Bottom of the World: A Humble Subaru Conquers Patagonia

Being the backpacking and fishing mecca that Patagonia is, it probably hasn’t been brought to your attention that the way to see it is actually […]

David and Goliath Against the World: A Defender Story

The Land Rover Defender is one of the most iconic overland vehicles ever produced, and while not known for its reliability, its capability and field […]

LeTech Takes Off-Roading to New Heights in This G-Class

Totally squared up for adventure. We may all love our lifted-up 4x4s, built to conquer any off-road challenge, but the truth is they can be […]