The Latest Outdoor Gear Necessities

A Selection of the Latest Equipment for Life in the Outdoors

Fresh from the pages of YOTA 2023, we’ve gathered all the latest and greatest innovations in outdoor gear for you. What gear will you take along on your next adventure?

o1. Ignik/ FireCan Deluxe

The Ignik FireCan Deluxe functions as both a grill and a mobile firepit. Built with a stainless-steel ammo can construction for better durability, the FireCan is compact to pack into your rig with ease. After cooking in Grill Mode which features smaller flames ideal for grilling, switch into Fire Pit Mode and the FireCan produces larger flames for an authentic campfire experience.
FireCan Deluxe is forest-safe, so you don’t have to worry when traveling in fire-ban areas.

MSRP: $299.99

o2. Clearsource/ Nomad

Engineered for the outdoor adventurer, the Clearsource Nomad’s 15-amp pump pulls unlimited, clean fresh water from any lake or stream up to 100 feet away at 4.9 gallons per minute and purifies it for whatever you’re doing. Dual filters remove sediment, chlorine, volatile organic compounds, bacteria, cysts, viruses and other contaminants like heavy metals while dramatically improving taste and smell. It stands up to rough use, with a powdercoated steel chassis and heavy-duty electrical components.

MSRP: $899.00


HighRoad Adventure Gear has rebranded to Stod Gear Co. Their WoodGaiter is a combination firewood carrier and overland utility mat. Holding the equivalent of two pre-packaged wood bundles, the WoodGaiter keeps its contents secure and contains messes. Its adjustable design accommodates varying volumes and lengths of wood. The open sides allow moisture to escape, ensuring that you have dry wood, while also protecting your fuel from the elements. It’s one tool with multiple uses, as it can be laid out under your vehicle as a utility mat when not in use.

MSRP: $130.00

o4. Helinox/ Lite Cot

Packing down to only 20.5 inches and weighing just 2 pounds, the Helinox Lite Cot is a lightweight dream. It’s ideal for backpackers but just as good for overlanders who want to save space without sacrificing comfort. The full-length elevated cot provides a durable, tensioned surface to optimize your 8 hours.

MSRP: $299.95

o5. Dometic/ GO Soft Storage 20L

Dometic’s new storage boxes come in both 10L and 20L (shown) capacities, ideal for keeping your smaller outdoor gear secure on the road. These Soft Storage boxes are semi-rigid and compatible with their Hard Storage counterparts for added security. Water-resistant, rugged 840D TPU-coated polyester keeps your gear safe from the elements, and an optional insulated insert keeps goods cold on the go. Weighing only 1.87 pounds, the Dometic Soft Storage Boxes are the perfect upgrade for your gear box.

MSRP: $99.99 (20L)

o6. Aeronaut Outdoor Gear/ Hoverquilt

Aeronaut’s Hoverquilt is one of the nicest blankets we’ve seen. They guarantee it’ll keep you toasty down to 30 degrees F with no cold spots. We’ve used it in colder temps with an additonal blanket on top and were impressed with its insulation; we even had to kick off the other blanket by morning. Weighing just around 2.5lbs, this extra cozy blanket packs up small and stores easily, too. The 20D ripstop nylon blanket is overstuffed with 750-fill goose down, and there’s plenty of room for two people to snuggle up.

MSRP: $499.00

o7. Biolite/ BaseCharge 600

This solar generator system keeps you powered and in control of your energy use with an innovative consumption tracking feature. Plus, its 12-Checkpoint Safety System provides real-time feedback and watt-hour status updates. 622 watt-hour, lithium-ion (1,000 W Surge) generator powers 2 AC Ports, 2 DC Barrel Ports, 2 USB-As, 1 USB-C, 1 USB-C PD, and 1 Qi Wireless Charging Port.

MSRP: $699.00

o8. Jack Wolfskin/ Mono Commute

This highly sustainable jacket from Jack Wolfskin consists of just one material, is made of 100% recycled water- and windproof Texaphore Ecosphere fabric, making it easy to recycle when you’re done wearing it. Designed for the eco conscious outdoorsy guys and gals, the Mono Commute Jacket features a vent system and plenty of pockets for storage. When it comes time to recycle this jacket, simply remove the reflectors and zippers.

MSRP: $349.95

Editor’s Note: A version of this story previously appeared in YOTA 2023.

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