Outdoor Gear: Products for Outdoor Adventurers

Standout outdoor gear for you next camping trip

While not brand new, these outdoor products are still valuable to include on your next adventures. From clothing to comms, there’s items in this roundup that are great additions to any outdoor kit.

01. Midland/X-Talker T290VP4 Two-Way Radio

Midland/X-Talker T290VP4 Two-Way Radio

The X-Talker T290 GMRS two-way radio set comes with two radios, a charger, hands-free headsets, and more. Its sleek-yet-durable design fits perfectly in the palm of your hand. The multiple power levels will ensure that the radio’s battery lasts all day. The T290 features Midland’s signature Weather Scan + Alert Technology, which alerts you of severe weather in the area. 

MSRP: $90

02. Off The Grid/Trailblazer 4.0 Taper Fit Pants

Off The Grid/Trailblazer 4.0 Pants Taper Fit

Made of stretch canvas, the Trailblazer 4.0 pants have an amazing fit. Pre-bent knee shape and crotch gusset allow for all the mobility you would want while climbing in and out of your rig. Nine pockets allow you plenty of places to stash your phone and wallet while keeping items off your bottom for those long rides (your chiropractor will thank you). These pants are a definite must-have in your outdoor gear collection.

MSRP: $69

03. Mystery Ranch/Rip Ruck 24 Backpack

Mystery Ranch/Rip Ruck 24

The Rip Ruck 24 stands out for its organizational compartments. It has two main compartments: zip access to a separate laptop and document sleeve and a Rip-Zip compartment that has a sleeve, zippered mesh pocket, and space for other must-haves. Other features include PALS webbing, daisy-chain attachments, and two exterior pockets for quick access and organization. A strong, durable backpack is a great way to hold all your outdoor gear.

MSRP: $139

04. Vasque/Women’s Breeze AT GTX Hiking Boots                 Vasque/Women’s Breeze AT GTX hiking boots

The Breeze AT GTX is updated with increased durability and support while remaining lightweight. A leather and abrasion-resistant mesh upper, joined with Vasque’s exclusive Vibram Contact Grip outsole with Megagrip performance rubber compound are the perfect combination of protection and traction to tackle any terrain. A men’s version is also available.

MSRP: $190

05. Beyond Clothing/Ventum Ultralight Hoodie

Beyond Clothing/Ventum Ultralight Hoodie

Whether it’s an unexpected round of blustery gusts or a half-cloudy day of fickle drizzles, the Ventum Ultralight Hoodie has your back at a moment’s notice. Wind- and water-resistant protection wards off light weather. A self-stowing pocket provides compact storage and speedy pop-it-open access. This stylish outdoor product will keep you warm when mother nature turns on you.

MSRP: $127

06. Zeal Optics/Avon Sunglasses

Zeal Optics/Avon Sunglasses

Zeal Optics’ Avon is the perfect partner for the everyday adventure seeker. Smooth lines and subtle color pops bring an unexpected look. The plant-based Z-Resin frames and Ellume Polarized lenses, along with ProFlex rubber, provide cutting-edge functionality. Prescription ready and a great addition to your adventure outdoor gear.

MSRP: unlisted

07. Wandrd/Fernweh Backpack

Wandrd/Fernweh Backpack

The FERNWEH backpack was designed with travelers, photographers, and creators in mind. The 50-liter-capacity bag features a fully customizable padded interior that allows you to configure it to fit and protect your outdoor gear. There are so many features we don’t have space to write about it. Check it out in detail on their website or on Kickstarter.

MSRP: unlisted

08. Princeton Tec/Helix Basecamp Lantern

Princeton Tec/Helix Basecamp Lantern

The Helix Basecamp packs the latest LEDs while its collapsible globe keeps the light soft on your eyes. The folding legs raise the lantern up to ensure it lights up a wide area. It also has multiple hanging options that add versatility to this outdoor product. Folding legs and glow-in-the-dark collapsible globe that allows the lantern to pack down to half its size while you are en route to your destination. It’s great gear to have when venturing outdoors.

MSRP: $50


Editor’s Note: A version of this article first appeared in the November/December 2020 print issue of Tread Magazine

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