Up next Staying in Contact with Somewear Global Hotspot Published on October 15, 2020 Author Tread Staff Tags Boker Plus, CRKT, Gerber, Kershaw, knives, short blade knife, short blade knives, Spyderco, Share article Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Mail 0 Short Blade Knives Because not every situation requires you to whip out a knife large enough to dice up an entire side of beef, we present to you a selection of the latest short blade knives. There are times when a short blade is more suitable to use over a long one, as in the case of shaving down wood to make kindling for a campfire or opening up a freshly delivered package of new parts for your truck, for example. A larger knife, while more powerful, can be harder to control for detailed work. Short blade knives come in all different sorts of styles, from traditional folders and fixed blades to automatics and even more unique styles such as a retractable floating blade like to one seen in this guide. Perfect to clip to your pants pocket or stow away in your pack, these knives may be diminutive but are packed full of usefulness. Which knife would you choose from in the following collection? Kershaw Launch 4 Subscribe to our weekly newsletter TYPE: AutomaticCLOSED LENGTH: 3.2”OPEN LENGTH: 5.1”BLADE LENGTH: 1.9″BLADE MATERIAL: CPM 154BLADE THICKNESS: 0.121”HANDLE MATERIAL: 6061-T6 AluminumWEIGHT: 1.9 ouncesMSRP: $130kershaw.kaiusaltd.com Boker Plus Slyde-R TYPE: RetractableOVERALL LENGTH: 5.5”BLADE LENGTH: 2.2″BLADE MATERIAL: 440CBLADE THICKNESS: 0.044 ”HANDLE MATERIAL: G10WEIGHT: 1.1 ouncesMSRP: $45bokerusa.com Spyderco Lil’ Native G-10 Black TYPE: FolderCLOSED LENGTH: 3.47”OPEN LENGTH: 5.92”BLADE LENGTH: 2.45″BLADE MATERIAL: CPM 30VBLADE THICKNESS: 0.125”HANDLE MATERIAL: G10WEIGHT: 2.5 ouncesMSRP: $180spyderco.com Gerber Vertebrae TYPE: Fixed BladeOVERALL LENGTH: 6.4”BLADE LENGTH: 2.4″BLADE MATERIAL: 7Cr17MoVBLADE THICKNESS: 0.12”HANDLE MATERIAL: RubberizedWEIGHT: 4.4 ouncesMSRP: $31gerbergear.com CRKT Prequel TYPE: FolderCLOSED LENGTH: 3.871”OPEN LENGTH: 6.563”BLADE LENGTH: 2.721″BLADE MATERIAL: 8Cr14MoVBLADE THICKNESS: 0.13”HANDLE MATERIAL: Glass Reinforced NylonWEIGHT: 3.8 ouncesMSRP: $70crkt.com Buck Knives 112 Slim Knife, Pro TYPE: FolderCLOSED LENGTH: 4.25”OPEN LENGTH: 7.25”BLADE LENGTH: 3″BLADE MATERIAL: S30V Stainless BLADE THICKNESS: 0.120”HANDLE MATERIAL: OD Green MicartaWEIGHT: 2.6 ouncesMSRP: $100buckknives.com Editor’s Note: A version of this article first appeared in the July/August 2019 print issue of Tread Magazine.
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